OEM #: 05-RM-73, 56-73, 4500063
Quality used Rosco Nickel/Eagle Side View Mirror, Convex/Curved, Heated, 7" X 10" (56-73). Used primarily on a Thomas FS65X, may not come with plugs for wires, backed by our standard warranty.
Brand: Rosco
Style: Nickel Mirror
Heated: Yes
Glass: Curved
OEM # 05-RM-74, 56-73, 4500063, 56.73, M-1173-H, M-1129-H, 56-73RSC:RSC, 06-56730, MLC56-73, 5673, ML5673, 01646520, 1646520, 85650034, 8565-0034, M-1173-H, 05-RM-73, MLC-5673, NBPMIR56-73, M1173H, M1129H, 5673RSC:RSC, 0656730, MLC5673, M 1173 H, M 1129 H, 56 73RSC:RSC, 06 56730, MLC56 73, M 1173 H, 05 RM 73, M1173H, 05RM73
Please Note: The part sent may not exactly match the one pictured. Appearance may vary. For specific part requests, please call 888-315-2575. Additional core charge may apply.
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Sold by: Quality Bus & Truck PartsLocation: BIG LAKE MN