Contact the vendor for specific terms and conditions.

Returns and Refunds

Product returns are subject to the vendor’s company policies and may be available via an in store return or a by freight return.

Refunds will be processed according to the vendor’s company policies. Some refunds and returns may involve special policies regarding a core charge.

What is a core charge?
Many parts found on trucks, trailers and equipment are designed in a way that they can be remanufactured. A core charge is added as a form of deposit to encourage the recycling of these parts.

The core charge or core price is refunded when you return your broken, wore or tired part provided that it is "like" the item purchased and in a rebuild-able condition.

Some products have a "Refundable Core Charge" where you can return your core for a full refund within the vendor’s core eligibility period provided the item is "like" the item purchased and in a rebuild-able condition.